Garbage Management in Japan. Ready to collect, Manner of society of Japanese.

Garbage Disposal

The following information has been provided by the Nagoya International Center

Refuse (Burnable refuse/ Non Burnable refuse)



Collection method


Burnable refuse garden refuse, vegetable matter, kitchen waste. Clothing, waste paper, paper diapers, etc. Waste made from synthetic fibers, artificial leather, and rubber will be collected with other burnable refuse. Plastic buckets (惝ćƒŖćƒć‚±ćƒ„) made from high-density polyethylene (HDPE) 惝ćƒŖć‚Øćƒćƒ¬ćƒ³, CD & DVD cases, plastic toys, video tapes, beach balls, and similar items. Twice a week.
Each household puts out the specified plastic garbage bag.
Non-Burnable refuse Refuse smaller than 30x30x30 cm, and refuse that is incombustible.
Plastics, glass, rubber products, ceramics, small-sized metal products, spray cans, cassette-type gas (containers) bottles, etc.
Once a month.
Each household puts out the specified plastic garbage bag.
Dispose of spray cans and cassette-type gas containers separately.* see below

ā˜†Collection of Dangerous Flammable Items (From June 1, 2010)

– Collected twice a week on same days as burnable refuse.
– Put in a specified plastic bag for recyclable waste (although any clear, transparent plastic bag is acceptable).
– Put out in specified collection place, separated from burnable items, by 08:00 on the day of collection (by 07:00 for residents of Naka Ward)

Expanded to include:

–Ā all types of spray can ć‚¹ćƒ—ćƒ¬ćƒ¼ē¼¶
–Ā cassette-type gas containers ć‚«ć‚»ćƒƒćƒˆå¼ć‚¬ć‚¹ćƒœćƒ³ćƒ™
–Ā used lighters ä½æ恄ęØć¦ćƒ©ć‚¤ć‚æćƒ¼
–Ā non-recyclable lithium batteries å……é›»ć§ććŖ恄ćƒŖćƒć‚¦ćƒ é›»ę± 
–Ā solid fuel cans ē¼¶å…„悊恮å›ŗå½¢ē‡ƒę–™

If you would like to dispose of a spray can make sure that it is completely empty and pierce a hole in the side (with a screwdriver or similar item) before disposing of it. Additionally, make sure lighters and fuel cans are completely empty before disposal.

ā˜†Recyclable Refuse



Collection method


Glass Bottles Empty glass bottles (from beverages and food). Once a week at station collection. Put items directly into blue baskets. Remove caps, empty bottles and rinse them with water.
Cans Beverage and food cans (cans of beer, juice, salad oil, powdered milk, cookies, and other food, etc.). Once a week at station collection in specified plastic garbage bags in Chikusa, Higashi, Kita, Nishi, Nakamura, Naka, Moriyama, Midori, Meito & Tempaku wards.
Put items directly into yellow baskets in Showa, Mizuho, Atsuta, Nakagawa, Minato, Minami wards.
Empty cans and rinse them with water.
Plastic (containers and packages) Bottles, cups and packs, trays, nets, plastic bags and wrapping, cushioning materials, etc. Once a week from in front of each household / apartment Remove dirt from containers. If dirt cannot be removed from containers, dispose of them as incombustible refuse.
Paper (containers and packages) Paper cartons, paper containers and cups, cardboard, packing materials, paper bags, sake and juice paper cartons (coated inside with aluminum foil). Once a week at station collection in specified plastic garbage bags. Remove the dirt from containers. If dirt cannot be removed from, containers, dispose of them as combustible refuse.
PET bottles PET bottles from soft drinks, alcoholic beverages, soy sauce, etc. with the PET mark. Once a week at station collection in specified plastic garbage bags. Remove caps, rinse bottles lightly with water and crush PET bottles.
Paper cartons Milk and juice paper cartons (not coated inside with aluminum foil). Collection boxes. Wash out the inside of the cartons, cut open, and air out until dry.

ā˜†Large-sized garbage (Waste larger than 30 x 30 x 30 cm)

Collected once a month per request by telephone, pick up fee charged.
Place: Designated location near residence
Day: Depends on district
Contact: Large-sized Waste Center (Toll-free 0120-758-530 in Japanese only) ā€“ Service hours 9:00 ā€“ 17:00
(except for Saturdays, Sundays, and at the end and beginning of the year.
Once requests are placed, additions may be made up to one week ahead of the day of collection.
500 Yen: items such as bicycles, furniture, kerosene stove, etc.
250 yen: items such as carpet, futons (bedding), vacuum cleaners, etc.
The city will not collect air conditioners, regular TVs, refrigerators, or washing machines (recycled under the “Law for Recycling Specific Kinds of Home Appliances”).

ā˜†Paper items (Newspapers, Magazines, Cardboard boxes, etc.) and Clothes

See “Recycle Station” and “Koshi Recycle Center” mentioned hereafter.
Each district, community and PTA may also collect these recyclable goods.


Batteries: Incombustible refuse
Button batteries : Collection boxes at electric appliance stores, ward offices, schools, etc.

ā˜†For inquiries about the sorting and disposal of garbage

Operations Division, Environmental Affairs Bureau, City of Nagoya
TEL : (052) 972-2394 (Japanese only), Mon. ā€“ Fri. 8:45 -17 :15
Environmental Works Office Mon. ā€“ Sat. 8:00 ā€“ 16:20





Atsuta 052-671-2200 Mizuho 052-882-5300
Chikusa 052-771-0424 Moriyama 052-798-3771
Higashi 052-723-5311 Naka 052-251-1735
Kita 052-981-0421 Nakagawa 052-361-7638
Meito 052-773-3214 Nakamura 052-481-5391
Midori 052-891-0976 Nishi 052-522-4126
Minami 052-614-6220 Showa 052-871-0504
Minato 052-382-3575 Tempaku 052-833-4031

ā˜†Key Vocabulary

ā€¢ Collection day ā€“ shu-shu-bi åŽé›†ę—„
ā€¢Ā Burnable Refuse ā€“ kanen gomi åÆē‡ƒć”ćæ
ā€¢Ā Non-Burnable refuse ā€“ funen gomi äøē‡ƒć”ćæ
ā€¢Ā Recyclable waste ā€“ shigen gomi č³‡ęŗć”ćæ
ā€¢Ā Over-size Refuse ā€“ sodai gomi ē²—å¤§ć”ćæ
ā€¢Ā Container & wrappers ā€“ youki-housou 容å™ØåŒ…č£…
ā€¢Ā Spray can ā€“ supurei kan ć‚¹ćƒ—ćƒ¬ćƒ¼ē¼¶
ā€¢Ā Cassette-type gas containers ā€“ casetto shiki gasu bonbe ć‚«ć‚»ćƒƒćƒˆå¼ć‚¬ć‚¹ćƒœćƒ³ćƒ™
ā€¢Ā PET bottles ā€“ petto botoru ćƒšćƒƒćƒˆćƒœćƒˆćƒ«
ā€¢Ā Empty glass bottles ā€“ aki bin ē©ŗćć³ć‚“
ā€¢Ā Empty cans ā€“ aki kan ē©ŗ恍ē¼¶
ā€¢Ā Plastic ā€“ purasutikku ćƒ—ćƒ©ć‚¹ćƒćƒƒć‚Æ
ā€¢Ā Paper ā€“ kami ē“™
ā€¢Ā Boxes ā€“ danboru ę®µćƒœćƒ¼ćƒ«
ā€¢Ā Paper cartons ā€“ kami pakku ē“™ćƒ‘ćƒƒć‚Æ

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